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LGBTQIA+ Rights Fund
Discrimination is not only ethically unacceptable, but it also entails substantial economic and social costs. Anti-LGBT discrimination hinders economic development through a wide range of channels. It causes lower investment in human capital due to LGBT-phobic bullying at school and poor returns, it reduces economic output by excluding LGBT talents from the labor market, it undermines productivity by impairing LGBT people’s mental health, it erodes public finances through significant spending on social and health services to address the consequences of LGBT people’s marginalization, etc. Anti-LGBT discrimination is also detrimental to social cohesion through the persistence of restrictive gender norms that impede gender equality more broadly speaking and, hence, the expansion of social and economic roles, especially for women. Only half of the lesbian, gay, and bi people (46 percent) and trans people (47 percent) feel able to be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity to everyone in their family.to provide independent and rigorous research, insight, and communications that help speed equality and opportunity for all. We work to ensure that all people have a fair chance to pursue health and happiness, earn a living, take care of the ones they love, be safe in their communities, and participate in civic life. We have established this fund to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work. SOLIDARIEDADE NA MOKILI, a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible. EIN:82-4685492. Spread your random acts of kindness. Double your impact by inspiring others. Feel good, pass it on. Reminder: Employees submit match requests for monetary donations