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Protect the Environment Fund


The Environment Fund is designed to bring capital to areas that matter most, from protecting our forests and wildlife, to educating the public and policymakers on critical issues affecting our world.

How your support helps

Climate Change Awareness and Action
Rising temperatures and sea levels, changing weather patterns and ecosystems -- these are the realities of climate change that adversely affect communities around the world. Organizations in this group are working to spread awareness about climate change and address the climate change challenges through policy work and grassroots outreach.
Land and Air Pollution Solutions
Pollution impacts all aspects of our earth including land, air and water. Moreover, the introduction of harmful contaminants to the environment can be detrimental to human and animal health. These organizations work to curb pollution, clean up contaminated areas, and work with governments to ensure long-term solutions to pollution challenges.
Energy Sustainability and Green Technology Innovation
Clean energy and technologies are critical to reducing our environmental impact. These nonprofits focus capital on improving our climate by supporting a clean energy infrastructure for a growing world. In order to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels, it is imperative that we explore alternative energy sources and pursue necessary technological advances.
Animal and Biodiversity Protection
There are 8.7 million species in the world, yet unprotected some are disappearing at an alarming rate. Our Animal and Biodiversity Protection organizations work to protect and sustain the rich diversity of plants and wildlife with which we share our planet. Whether protecting the welfare of animals or preventing endangered plant extinction, these nonprofits work to ensure that the earth remains populated by a wealth of species.
Nature and Habitat Conservation
The earth has limited natural resources. We must therefore protect the earth's riches to ensure that they will last for generations. To prevent environmental destruction, our nonprofits work to keep our precious forests, oceans, grasslands and lakes pristine.

Recent activity from fund organizations

Protect the Environment Fund

Support this Fund

Your $25.00
can plant 50 trees in a highland andean community.
Your $50.00
can sponsor an environmental education program for Peruvian school children.
Your donation supports the pool of 6 nonprofits

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